
@馮禮慈 - 2014/12/24

自電腦與互聯網面世後,全世界樂壇皆受到滔天衝擊,自1999年至今全球唱片業猛烈叫苦,2014年iTunes Store網上賣歌收入更驚見下跌,跌達14%!可喜的是網上串流(即網上收聽,不下載)聽歌續有增長,2014上半年美國的網上音樂串流收入,首次超越實體CD銷售收入。美國串流收入比去年同期升28%,非常可觀,收入達八億美元。CD銷量一直下跌,收入現時已跌至第三位——第一位是下載歌,第二串流,第三CD。

香港也有合法網上串流聽歌服務,如MOOV、KKBox、Soliton、Spotify 等,都在香港市場分一杯羹。IFPI指2013年全球使用合法網上串流人數比上年升51%,實在驚人。既然合法網上串流聽歌之勢在世界各地上升,收入大增,唱片有新希望和新曙光了吧?可是不然,網上串流聽歌2014年發生了一歷史性事件,這就是天后Taylor Swift「抽碟事件」了。天后Taylor Swift由於認為串流音樂網Spotify 沒有給予歌手和創作者應有報酬,決定不將新專輯放到Spotify,即是你在Spotify將無法聽到Taylor Swift新碟,要聽就要買(買實體CD或付費下載)。結果Taylor Swift新碟《1989》推出後即創下了歐美樂壇十二年來首周銷量的最高記錄。

Spotify是合法音樂網,為何會被指沒有付版稅呢?原來Spotify有免費和付費兩種制度,一般人可免費任聽歌,條件是要間中聽廣告;如你不想聽到任何廣告,你就得付費。多數人都會選擇免費聽啦,而廣告收入暫時又不多,於是即使某歌曲被歌迷大量播放收聽,歌手和創作者收到的版稅卻少得可憐。Taylor Swift就是因為這樣,為伸張正義,決定將新專輯抽離Spotify。Taylor Swift的做法得到大量歌手和作曲作詞人支持,令Spotify這種廣告支持、免費收聽模式備受質疑,普遍相信這免費模式沒多久將會告終。總之全球音樂市場仍在激烈陣痛中摸索前路,不過,有危就有機,天無絕人之路。

音樂産業瞬息萬變,唱片業的發展也非常快,Spotify 串流音樂服務將像一場實驗,她個人不願意將精心製造的音樂作品用於一個平台的實驗,這對於詞曲作者、製作人、歌手都是不公平的,音樂永遠都不可能也不應該是免費的。

In the first half of 2014, music streaming revenues have surpassed CD sales for the first time in the United States. That’s according to data published by the Recording Industry Association of America [] last week. streaming revenues, including revenues from subscription-based and ad-supported on-demand services as well as non-interactive online radio services, increased 28% year-over-year to reach $860 million. Meanwhile CD sales continued to fall and are now only the third largest source of income for the U.S. music industry.

However, CDs are not the only medium affected by the rise of streaming services: download stores, which rang in the CD’s demise roughly a decade ago, are also suffering from the new digital competition. After download revenues had declined for the first time in 2013, the negative trend continued in the first half of 2014 with revenues dropping 13% to 1.34 billion.

Interestingly, the number of Americans who subscribe to on-demand streaming services such as Spotify is much smaller than one might expect. By the end of June, there were 7.8 million paying subscribers in the United States. While this constitutes a healthy 42.8% increase over last year’s June total, it really isn’t that much when put in perspective. in the U.S., illustrating that video streaming is still far ahead of music streaming services in terms of adoption.

Meanwhile, the surprising re-emergence of vinyl continues. Vinyl single and LP revenues jumped more then 40% in the first half of this year, amounting to almost $150 million.




網上數碼賣歌收入近年激增,最大銷售點是Apple的iTunes Store。iTunes Store

2003年美國開業,至2010年初,售出一百億首歌——是一百億!iTunes Store穩成

全球排名第一音樂商店。iTunes Store開業以來,生意額一直高速上升。

可是,令人驚訝的是,到2014年年初至今iTunes Store生意額比/年下跌了達14%!!這是非常非常大的跌幅,國際唱片業原本期望網上數碼賣歌一直上升,終可彌補實體CD下跌的損失,可是才升到2014年就已經出現如此大跌幅,令唱片業冷汗直標。這是否意味就連數碼賣歌也會萎縮呢?未知。可喜的是網上串流(即網上收聽,不下載)聽歌有增長,不過,即使網上串流也於2014年掀起了紛爭大新聞。星期三續。




星島日報, 2014

[ #音樂 ]

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